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Transporting an Oversized Load: 3 Things You Need to Do!

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If you need to transport an oversized load, there are certain things you will need to do to ensure that you comply with road transport law and safety requirements. If you fail to take the necessary steps when transporting an oversized load, you could place people at risk of injury or death and could face prosecution. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about transporting oversized loads.

Apply for a permit

Before you can transport oversized loads on Australian roads, you will need to apply for a permit. The cost of a permit varies depending on if you wish to make a single journey or if you would like to apply for a permit which is valid for up to 3 years.

Check your route

Once you have secured a permit, you will need to plan and check your route for any obstacles such as low bridges, tunnels, narrow roads or power lines. Ideally, as well as using a map and imaging services such as Google Street View, you should also drive the route in a standard vehicle so you can make a note of any potential obstacles. It is also a good idea to contact the highways department of the areas you will be travelling through as they will be able to offer further information and advice.

Prepare your escort vehicles

An oversized load will need at least two escort vehicles. One escort vehicle will travel in front of the truck carrying the oversized load while the second will bring up the rear. The purpose of the escort is to make other road users aware of the oversized load so they can take appropriate action such as changing lane or slowing down. However, escort vehicles have no legal power to direct or stop other traffic. The escort vehicles should be painted a bright colour so they stand out and should clearly be labelled with the words ABNORMAL LOAD and ESCORT VEHICLE. If you are travelling at night or in low light conditions, the escorts should also be fitted with flashing amber lights. Finally, each escort vehicle and the truck should be fitted with 2-way radios so they can maintain constant communication when on the road.

If you would like to find out more, you should get in touch with a company which specialises in the transportation of oversized loads today. A member of the team will be happy to help.
